As Franklin and I stepped outside for our walk this morning, the sun came out to greet us. It stayed with us for the entire walk and is still shining. It was warm and bright and oh so lovely.
We are suppose to get more snow tonight and it's suppose to be super windy for the next few days, but if the sun comes to visit again, it will all be fine. Happy Wednesday everyone!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Companion for Franklin?...
For the past three years, probably... maybe longer, my husband and I have debated getting another dog. We debate the ins and outs of a new dog, like who is going to get up in the middle of the night to take the puppy out, or how do you crate train one dog while the other one stays free, or how do we keep Franklin from being jealous.
Most of the questions we debate are easily answered, which is why we think an older dog would be ideal, but for me, my biggest concern is Franklin. How will a new dog affect my little guy. How will we bring another dog into Franklin's house and make him understand that this dog is here for good. I worry about other things like size compatibility and temperament and sleeping arrangements... and.... and... and..., it could go on forever. The idea of getting another dog is exhausting and we haven't even moved beyond the discussion phase.
I imagine these are the same kind of conversations that people have before they have another child. Although I am not comparing my dog to a kid, he is like a kid to me and I worry about his well-being and happiness.
**As a side note, my blog has really become a Franklin blog but I promise that there will be more than just Franklin happening around our house as soon as Spring gets here.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Doggie Regression {Around the House}...
But, for the past two week Franklin, who is 5, has decided that he is not going to listen to anything I say. Walks that use to be enjoyable are now full of me telling him to get out of the middle of the road or me saying "no, this way." Then when we get home he refuses to come inside and finally when he does he stands and stares at me for minutes on end with his super hateful "I'm mad at you" look. Trust me, when you see the look you know he's mad at you.
This phase is definitely not as bad as the original teenage phase was, but I am ready for this regression to end. I am also hoping for more sunshine, warmer temperatures and Spring to come soon. Until then, Franklin and I will continue to go on walks and I will try to be more patient with him.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Winter Olympics {Around the House} ...
The next two weeks will be a very exciting time around our house... it's Winter Olympics time. My husband loves the Olympics in general, but he is definitely more infatuated with the Winter version. I admit, I enjoy the Olympics too. I find it amazing that snowboarders can be as graceful as figure skaters - I've been snowboarding and trust me, I was not graceful - how hard on the knees the moguls must be and how devoted these athletes are to their sports even though they do not earn the multi-million dollar salaries that other athletes do.
Even as I watch these athletes in wonder, I am nowhere near the fan that my husband is. He was positively giddy as short-track Speed Skating started on Saturday night and last night as the American's raced in the finale of Snowboardcross he was yelling the play-by-play to me as I watched Franklin from our doorway as he went outside to go to the bathroom. Occasionally, Franklin will look at me in disgust as his Popi jumps off the couch and yells at the t.v.. I simply tell him that it's Olympics week and even though I don't think he really understands, he seems to accept that as a good answer and walks away. Happy Winter Olympics everyone!
Around the House,
Winter Olympics
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow hibernation...
After the big snowstorm last weekend, the D.C. area was blanketed again last Monday with more snow. My house ended up with an additional 10 inches, which brought our total to... well.... a lot. With all the snow on the ground and the roads, Franklin, my husband and I went into hibernation mode.
Very little was done around our house last week. We made dinner a few nights, but mostly ate leftovers and frozen pizza's, I think I vacuumed once and did the dishes once or twice. It was nice to have a week full of nothing to do and nowhere to go, but next time that we have 7 days together with nothing going on, I would like to go on a vacation to somewhere warm with frozen drinks instead of staying inside with three feet of snow outside.
Today, though, we decided to leave the house and rejoin civilization. The roads are decent around town, but it's iffy going into our neighborhood. Poor Franklin is still a little traumatized by the snow when it comes to going outside to go to the bathroom and I know he missed his dog walking pals this week. Hopefully, all of this beautiful snow will continue to melt and in it's place flowers will bloom. But, until then, it looks like we are going to get more snow in a few days. *Sigh*
*These pictures were taken on a Winter day a few weeks ago when it was sunny and much warmer.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snowpocalypse Day 2...
Last night, we let Franklin out to go to the bathroom before bed and the snow was already up to his belly. The look he gave us was one of complete annoyance. Since then, we have had many, many more inches of snow. My husband and doggie went out this morning to shovel more snow. This kind of turned into a block party with all of our neighbors joining in the shoveling fun. Franklin and his favorite doggie friend, Kaya, played in the snow and had a great time. While the boys were outside freezing, I stayed inside and made a bacon and cheese quiche and homemade hot cocoa. Yum....
This afternoon, the boys braved the cold once again to shovel the driveway. Although Franklin was exhausted, he jumped up the second that I asked him if he wanted to go outside again. I'm not sure what the total numbers are right now. But, I know that we have a lot of snow and we are running out of places to put it.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Snowpocalypse 2010...
Well, the snow storm of my lifetime has struck... We are a few hours into what is being referred to in my household as Snowpocalypse 2010. All week we have been hearing about what was coming. Total snow amounts varied from 8 inches to 24 inches. Finally, today as the snow began the weather guys decided that we would end up with roughly 30 inches of snow on the ground. 30 inches!!! I can't even imagine what that will look like. In anticipation of the 30 inches, my husband and I are settling in for a long cozy weekend.
Here is just a preview of all of the snow pictures I will take. This is my beloved shoveling the driveway in an attempt to "stay ahead of it." And of course, I had to get Franklin playing in the snow in there.
This final picture was taken about 5 minutes after my husband finished shoveling that part of the driveway. Besides the shoveling, around here it will be a lovely weekend full of reading, watching movies (Food Inc. I hope), and spending time on the couch. Happy Weekend everyone!
Here is just a preview of all of the snow pictures I will take. This is my beloved shoveling the driveway in an attempt to "stay ahead of it." And of course, I had to get Franklin playing in the snow in there.
This final picture was taken about 5 minutes after my husband finished shoveling that part of the driveway. Besides the shoveling, around here it will be a lovely weekend full of reading, watching movies (Food Inc. I hope), and spending time on the couch. Happy Weekend everyone!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Doggie Snow Angels...
As I rolled out of bed and put on my many layers of clothing to take Franklin on his walk, I thought about the warm days of Spring and Summer ahead. I thought about the warm sunshine on my face and the warm breeze that smells like fresh flowers. I thought about Spring dresses and wearing cute flats instead of my bulky boots. But, as I looked out the window I quickly realized that we had another few inches of snow on the ground and that it is in fact ... still winter.
Over the weekend we had about 8 inches of snow and of course, I had to take my favorite little dog out to play in it. Franklin loves the snow. He will run all over the place with his nose stuck to the ground and then when he's found the perfect spot, he rolls and rolls in it. He will lay on his back and wiggle from side to side making doggie snow angels. It's so funny to watch and almost makes the cold, gray, snowy days of winter worth it.
Over the weekend we had about 8 inches of snow and of course, I had to take my favorite little dog out to play in it. Franklin loves the snow. He will run all over the place with his nose stuck to the ground and then when he's found the perfect spot, he rolls and rolls in it. He will lay on his back and wiggle from side to side making doggie snow angels. It's so funny to watch and almost makes the cold, gray, snowy days of winter worth it.
Since this winter has been very hard on his skin, Franklin has to have a bath once a week with a special medicated shampoo. This week, I bathed him on Sunday so he would have enough time on Saturday to play in the snow and get it out of his system. Let me tell you, that didn't work. After giving him a bath and making sure he was dry, I let him out to go to the bathroom and the very first thing he did was lay down in the snow. He is such a funny dog that it is hard to be mad at him when he does things like that.
This weekend we are expected to get more snow. If this does happen, I'm sure our weekend plans will be full of doggie snow angels.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Road trip...
Happy Monday everyone! A few weeks back, I met my younger (I don't use little because he is not little and has never been) brother in Auburn, AL. We went to Auburn to explore the town and of course, Auburn University. My brother, who has already had a life full of experiences in his short 25 years, has been accepted to Auburn to continue with his Marine Biology degree.

We had such a fun time running around town and exploring what BB's (Baby Boy is my nickname for him, it is something that my Mom still calls him) life will be like beginning Fall 2010. We both loved the town, the people and of course the campus. Everyone was so nice and just excited to be at Auburn.
This is BB in front of one of the Science buildings. He will spend most of his time in the four Science buildings, which look really new and fancy. This will be a wonderful place for him to continue to learn about marine life and indulge in his favorite past time, scuba diving.
I'm really excited for my brother and a little jealous that he is going to Auburn. I've already gone through all of the school that I want to go through, but I have to admit that while we were in Auburn, part of me wanted to go back. Going to the campus bookstore, the student center, and seeing the football stadium made me long for the seemingly carefree college life, and definitely made me want to go back to school. When I texted my husband and told him I wanted to go to Auburn, his reply was "I thought that might happen." All I could do was smile and know that my days at school are over for now. But, I can't wait to go back to Auburn to visit BB and watch some SEC football.
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